Momentum Business Insights Blog

Boost profits by mastering your conversion rate: Measure to improve minute on your business sales systems

Harry highlights one of the seven drivers in business: the conversion rate. Learn from a real-life e...

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Stop charging for time. Start charging for VALUE. minute on your business sales time management

David unveils the profound difference between charging for hours and valuing your expertise. Through...

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First impressions last: Why your sales meeting's start is critical minute on your business sales

David explains why kicking off a sales meeting the right way can make or break a deal. Dive into thi...

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CASE STUDY: Real results from a Momentum business workshop case study

In this case study, we showcase our collaboration with the PHN (Primary Health Network) to design an...

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How to choose the best business coach for you

Ever considered a business coach to help you improve your business? Even Eric Schmidt, former CEO of...

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More than money: Mastering the real keys to employee retention leadership team/staff

Ever wonder what it really costs when an employee walks out the door? Sure, you've got the obvious s...

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Mastering time management: The secret ingredient for small business success time management

Have you ever caught yourself wishing for more hours in the day? If so, you're not alone. Time, the ...

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How to transform your customer experience! customer service

With competition becoming fiercer and fiercer it's critical to differentiate your business through y...

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Unless you systemise you’ll always be trapped! systems

Ever felt like your business was a wild, untamed beast?  A creature that seemed to have a life of it...

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Reality check: What's your true customer service score? customer service minute on your business

David highlights a common blind spot in businesses: how they perceive their own customer service. Le...

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Steering your business: 4 essential leadership steps leadership minute on your business

David uses the bus driver analogy to challenge business owners on leadership. Are you in control wit...

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Unlocking more profit: The power of average dollar sale minute on your business sales

Harry recounts a personal bike shop story, emphasizing a key lesson: maximizing the average dollar s...

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Boosting cash flow: The power of prompt invoicing minute on your business systems

David shares a revealing story of how one business transformed its cash flow. Learn the hidden impac...

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Riding the success bus: Transforming your small business leadership leadership

As business owners, have you ever felt like you’re on a wild bus ride, racing down a winding road, b...

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Add on you want profits with that? sales

As small business owners, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities in an effort to...

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Delegation: Breaking through the fear leadership time management

Did you know that, according to Inside Small Business[1] 26% of small business owners work more than...

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Raising prices: A risky move or smart strategy? minute on your business

Harry shares a surprising story of a service station owner. Learn how tweaking prices led to amazing...

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Are you wasting time quoting? sales

"Time is money," as Benjamin Franklin famously said. But are we, as small business owners, spending ...

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Boost your productivity in a minute: The to-do list magic! minute on your business time management

Harry discusses how to take the humble To-Do list to the next level!


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Why clients leave you: The silent threat of perceived indifference  customer service

Here's a number that might make you sit up and take notice: according to esteemed business scholar J...

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Sales is not a dirty word! sales

Did you know that a whopping 57% of sales professionals are not confident in reaching their sales qu...

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Mastering team/staff accountability: The 4 essential steps minute on your business team/staff

David breaks down the four cornerstones of ensuring team accountability. Whether it's setting clear ...

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Checklists: The essential path from chaos to control minute on your business systems

Harry shares a builder's journey from being overwhelmed to reclaiming precious time. See how the rig...

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Ask for the order! minute on your business sales

David highlights one of the dangers business owners can face in not training their team in simple sa...

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